Wednesday, September 16, 2009

self evaluation #2

In these past four weeks in mr. Tillay's class. Mr. Tillay's has taught about how things go down in his class room and how to also set up the note book for his class. One very important thing that he has taught in his class is how to convert units by using a calculator which saves a whole lot of time and is easier on the math part.
Mr. T is a very good teacher, when in his class one can learn alot of information about physics and just about life, Mr. T has already made Flavio a good student by telling him how and what to do for his class and not only to apply for his class but for others as well, there is vert little that can be done on Mr. T's part to make flavio a better student.
study habits can be describe form anywhere to good or bad flavio's study habits are about in the middle for that flavio does not really study but he is trying to get to buckle down and from notes and books, things that causes flavio's study habits to be so poor is that there are so many distractions in the world from kieeping him focus, flavio is tyring his hardest to be a better studier and is damn if he isnt.
If someone has a set time and place to study good for them, flavio on the other hand can not say he has that same thing. flavio does not have a set time and place for a quick study over some notes, if flavio had to pick a spot he would go towards his own room to relax and to study on his bed and or desk area. for the time that is where the trouble starts, again flavio can not say he has a set time to study but he trys to get in a few review in on some notes now and then.
If all assignments were done flavio would not have a hard time worrying about this progress report, finishing all assignemts is a hard thing to do for at times flavio's internet is not always will to work with him. that is why some of the assigments that flavio has had are not completely finished or turned in.
the grade that flavio thinks that he has gottin in physics is a C hopefully it is better but to know for sure flavio has to wait untill the mail comes,

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